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System Dynamics
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6 Eight fields west & east
6 Eight fields west & east
6 Eight fields west & east
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8 fold
1a Cosmic diagram
1b Thesis cosmic tree
2a Antithesis
2b Antithesis horizontal
3a Synthesis vertical caduceus
3b Synthesis duogram antropomorphous
4a Frame king wen cycle and the elements
4b The elements and the ground rules
5 Eight fields east & west
6 Eight fields west & east
Art of mapping
Art of thinking
Based on
Cyclus seizoenen
De 12 puntige ster
Education 2 system fields – first period
Education overview
Frame maping
Frame of rules
Lezing Wageningen
Li & Tao, Web & Field
Percepting interlinks
Structuur genese
The field
Three paradigms
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